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Buy Oranges

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Adopt an orange tree (Valencia)

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We plant an orange tree for you in our orchard in Bétera, the heart of the province of Valencia

9 Reviews

Valencian Eating Oranges

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The softest sweet seedless orange. Ideal for the whole family.

2296 Reviews

Valencian Juicing Oranges

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The softest seedless sweet orange. Ideal to make juice for the whole family.

1626 Reviews


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89 Reviews


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28 Reviews

Valencian Eating Oranges

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The softest sweet seedless orange. Ideal for the whole family.


Buy 100% natural Valencian oranges directly from our fields to your table in just 24 hours to immediately enjoy all their aroma and flavor. What do you think about our offering? Do you want to enjoy the best oranges, the traditional kind?
Our fruits are harvested in our fields. These fields are located in the small Valencian town of Meliana. These fields have been passed down from father to son for generations.
We are lovers of the earth. We take care of it and we also protect the environment. We practice integrated agriculture. We do not use unnecessary chemicals. Our oranges grow naturally on our trees.
As soon as we receive your order, we harvest the oranges and send them to you. You can have the peace of mind that they are oranges that come directly from the farmer. It is the best guarantee that we can give you so that you can appreciate the taste of the authentic Valencian Orange.
The oranges are always at their perfect point of maturity, so not only will they be a real delicatessen for your palate, but you will also benefit from the many beneficial properties they have for your own health and your family`s.
They are ideal oranges whether you want to eat or if you want to prepare delicious juices. By the way, is there a better way to enjoy an orange juice than freshly prepared after receiving it directly from the farmer?


In Naranjas Daniel you can find two orange varieties.


This is a variety that does not contain seeds. Therefore we think that it is very good for people who don´t like getting the seeds out and, above it all, for the little ones in the house. It is very easy to eat. If you have children who don´t want to eat fruit, they will surely end up eating our fruits. They are round in shape, they have a soft orange color and a very smooth rind. It's taste? You will be surprised by its sweetness.
Lane Late oranges can be found in our online store between January 15 and April 15. Each piece weighs between 200 and 230 grams and its caliber is between 75 and 80 millimeters.


This is a variety that does not contain seeds. Therefore we think that it is very good for people who don´t like getting the seeds out and, above it all, for the little ones in the house. It is very easy to eat. If you have children who don´t want to eat fruit, they will surely end up eating our fruits. They are round in shape, they have a soft orange color and a very smooth rind. It's taste? You will be surprised by its sweetness.
Barfield Late oranges can be found in our online store between January 15 and April 15. Each piece weighs between 200 and 230 grams and its caliber is between 75 and 80 millimeters.
This is a large kind of orange and it does not contain seeds. It is ideal for the little ones in the house, they will like them a lot, and we mean, a lot! We are sure the little ones in the house will devour them!
Its pulp has a lot of juice and an excellent flavor and texture. Its color is darker than the Lane Late and it is also round in shape. It can be preserved for a long time because its bark is thick.
We harvest it from our fields between February 1. Each piece weighs between 200 and 230 grams and its diameter is between 75 and 80 millimeters.
These are the two varieties that we have available. In our online store, you can also buy tangerines.


The advantages of buying oranges online are a lot. The first advantage is that you will be able to savor the authentic flavor of the Valencian orange even if you are very far away. You will always be sure that they will be fresh when they arrive at your home. Why not take advantage of our logistics and enjoy the best Valencian citrus fruits every day?
Buying online is really simple. You just have to access our online store and place your order. You will not have to go to the supermarket, it is easier and faster than that.
You can buy as many kilograms of oranges as you want. We have boxes of 5, 10, and 12 kilograms. They will arrive directly at your house and you will not have to carry any weight. We leave them directly in your kitchen.
This is pretty much everything we wanted you to know about our services and products. To sum it all up, we offer orange delivery at a very low price!
Don´t miss on eating such a typical and tasty Valencian product.
Millions of people eat Valencian oranges and they come directly from the farmer. Join this trend now and enjoy the flavor and aroma of Valencian citrus fruits. Don´t miss the advantages and benefits of eating oranges.
If you have any questions, you can contact us via phone or email, our response will be lightning fast!

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